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  • Writer's pictureJohn Christian Rosenlund

Master Class and jury for SAS Serbia

It was a too short trip to Serbia, inense but honored and warmly welcomed in Serbia to do master class and partisipate in the Jury for SERBIAN SOCIETY OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS and their festival of cinematographic achievements "Image in motion". It was wonderful to meet great collegues and very talented cinematographers!

the winners

Ivan Kostić SAS

the main award for cinematography in the film "Guardians of the Formula"

Bogdan Babović SAS

special award (second award) for cinematography in the film "The Storm"

Aleksa Radunović, Marko Kažić and Milica Drinić

special recognition for a special contribution to film expression

About the festival

The festival is a place to review the achievements of the director of photography in the previous year and values, awards and affirms the artistic work and contribution of the director of photography to the film work. It is also a kind of regional congress of the profession. Cinematography workshops and presentations contribute to raising the technical and aesthetic level of the work of cinematographers - directors of photography, film workers, students of film departments of art faculties and interested audiences.

The "Image in Motion" festival was organized by the Serbian Association of Cinematographers (SAS).

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